Monday - Friday
8:00AM TO 5:30PM

Privacy Notice
To assuage any concerns you may have about sharing your information with us, please read this notice which explains why we ask you for certain information and how we are committed to your privacy.

Information We Collect

We have put some forms on this web site, on the "Schedule Appointment" page in particular, requesting some personal information. The information that we request includes, but may not be limited to your first and last name, e-mail, address, city, state, zip code,  phone numbers, the year/make/model/vin/license plate for your vehicle, and the reason you are requesting an appointment.

The information that we collect is used solely for sales purposes within our company and as a way to make contacting you as easy and as accessible as possible for us. We absolutely do not sell or share your information with outside parties.

We have the right to update this privacy notice at anytime without notice.